African civet

The African civet is a large specie of civet found across sub-Saharan Africa.
The African civet been the only remaining member of its genetic group and is said to be the largest civet like animals on the African continent,  and more closely related to other small carnivores animals including weasels and mongoose.  It's known for its musk to mark it's territories (civetone)  which is used for performs in some countries. 
It's also has stripes of black and white markings on furs and forehead  making it easy to identify.
African civet are never found in arid regions and always mostly seen in areas with good water source.
As said to be carnivorous , the African civet eats small rodents like,  lizards,  snakes and frogs which makes majority of its diet,  fruits and fallen forest seeds/fruits includes in its chain of survival.
