Africanized bee

Africanized bees  are also honey bees, but are also killer bees.  In fact this bees are calm bees as set, but deadly  as defense.
The Africanized bees emerged in Africa and migrated to Europe to America  and crossed over to northern and part of California.
      This bees has been a mystery to science until doctors put them to test,  it has been seen that  an Africanized queen bees egg hatches a day before any other specie of queen bee. Making it easy for the africanized bees to dominate any hive the enter, and including  the number of mass in each migrate increases in millions.
      Bee controllers are working day to day in other to reduce the number of this bees,  but how can you, if it can lay up to 600,000 eggs per year.
This insect needs to be reduced  but we can't do without  it's honey as up to 88% of foods are made  with it. As its advised to stay alert at any time in case you see this bee use control tools  or simple run away!!.
