Butterfly are insects from the other lepidoptera ,which also includes moths .Adult butterfly have large and brightly colored wings, and conspicuous  , fluttering flight .Butterfly have their typical four live cycle .winged adult lay eggs on the food plants on which their larvae ,know as caterpillars , will feed.
  Butterfly are often polymorpics ,and many species makes use camouflaged ,mimicry to evade  their predators. A possible source of the name is a bright yellow male of the brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni);another is that butterflies were on the wings in meadows during the spring and summer butter season while the grass are growing .
       Life Cycle Of The Butterfly
Butterflies  have this amazing life cycle.

      the eggs

  Females butterflies gives lays their egg under leaf's of a selected plant, in other to keep it away from direct sunlight  and raindrops from other leaf's . The eggs are also of different colors which is due to the specie the egg carries

 the larva 

The eggs the turns into a larva in a period of ten days ,and the larva is also called a caterpillar. the caterpillar is cylindrical in shape and is hairy which makes it unpleasant for predators . The caterpillar consist of three main parts ;the head, the thorax and the abdomen, the caterpillar has three pairs of eyes.

the pupa

The caterpillar spins thread like silk and  becomes a pupa , which is motionless and can not feed ,the pupa is also called chrysalis. The pupa hangs itself on a twig with the silk thread , the internal organs of the butterfly is been formed at this stage. After about a month or more the adult organs are fully formed ,the pupa's case splits open and a young imago emerges and rest for about three hours until its wings are fully spread out ,it then flies away to find food and a mate.
