Turtle are reptiles from the order testudines ,characterized  by its special bony shell it uses as shield , which grows from its ribs . Turtle are said to have survived about 220 million years ago, this makes it one of the oldest living reptile apart from the croks .
 Turtle are cold blooded animals (ectotherms) ,been able to control its internal temperature base on its environment .Turtles are amniotes ,and unlike other sealines ,they breath air and do not lay their eggs underwater .
Turtle are been study and this process of studying they is called cheloniology . The term tortoise refers to land-dwelling chelonian , land -dwelling chelonians are also in the testudinidae family .
The smallest turtle is the speckled padloper tortoise of South Africa. Two other species of small turtles are the American mud and musk turtle .
