Marijuana is common known drug that has influenced people in many ways, in which i will explain how,  I'd also go further to explain both the negative and positive effects on our health and the society as a hole.

This common drug has impacted by a hundred percent a whole new theme for our youth. Marijuana May go by many names depending on the environment or the way a particular region may understand it easier.

What forms  marijuana .

Marijuana  comes from  dried plant called cannabis sativa. Cannabis  is a plant that grows in the bushes, however it's not the cannabis that's called marijuana rather marijuana is formed from drieing this plants. Cannabis is now known to have vast species and has more than 500 chemicals .cannabis has a  kind of psychoactive or mind altering affect on the body system.

Medical benefits of marijuana. 

There are many medical benefits of marijuana on our body,  but only when the doctor prescribes it for intake otherwise it's going to do everything opposite it's benefits.  Some medicinal benefits are listed below. 

*slows down  cancer cells from spreading; It's was found and published in the journal molecular cancer Therapeatics , that cannabis has the ability to slow down the cell from spreading cancer (for cancer affected persons). 
It's has also been studied that it can also be effective on tumor growth in the brain, breasts and lungs considerately.  

*prevents Alzheimer's;  THC (tetrahydrocannaboids) is a chemical present in marijuana ,also stops the impelling Alzheimer's disease. 

*treats Glaucoma;  According to the national eye institute, marijuana can lower the pressure inside the eye. This pressure injures the optic nerve hereby causing loss of vision. 

There are too many uses of cannabis to our medical health  and too many to explain, although other uses includes. 

*eases the pain of multiple sclerosis .
*relieves arthritis .
*controls epileptic seizure .
*helps with crohns disease. 
*reduces severe pains, and nousea from chemo and stimulates appetites. 
*decreases the symptoms of dravet syndrome.
*soothes tremors for people with Parkinson's disease. 

But remember it can only give you the above benefits if only the doctor prescribes it for intake. But asides that it will give you negatively everything when it's then been abused. 

Effect of it negatively .

Recently marijuana has turned into most of our youths lifestyle, it's now an addicted life. This sort of abuse can lead to inability to drive,  think, talk and behave , which will then take it on to distorting the lifestyle and body of the consumer.

Please if there's any other thing you think I missed out , please  state it in the comment below and I'll be happy to veiw them.
